Bioregioning is happening all across the world. Here are a few of the many examples where it is happening.

Permaculturalist Ed Tyler has been exploring bioregional action and thought up on his own peninsula in Kintyre. We’ll be teaming up with Ed and the emerging Clyde Bioregioning group to run Scotland’s first Bioregional Learning Journey in 2022.

The Bioregional Learning Centre in Devon came into being in early 2017, co-founded by experts in collaborative design, learning for sustainability, community empowerment and ecology. With a focus on building region-wide climate resilience in South Devon, they saw the need for a community-facing learning lab to support, grow and connect all the innovation already going on. They also host the UK Bioregional Community of Practice of which Bioregioning Tayside is a member.

Located in southwest British Columbia and northwest Washington State, the Salish Sea Bioregional Marine Sanctuary includes aquatic areas historically and more commonly known as Puget Sound (to the South), the Strait of Georgia (to the North) and Juan de Fuca Strait (to the West).

Cascadia is a bioregion that defines the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada, as defined through the watersheds of the Fraser and Columbia watersheds. It incorporates all of or parts of southern Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Northern California. Its mission is to build a bioregional community that fosters a culture rooted in the love of place, cultural competence, and sustainability.

Atelier Luma is a think tank, a production workshop and a learning network of the Luma Foundation. Based in Arles, in the French Camargue, Atelier Luma is co-developing new ways of producing and caring for a city and a bioregion, using design as a tool for transition.