During 2021, we started to identify people and organisations that are already being Bioregional in their practice and brought them all together in our first meet-up. From May through to September 2022, we’ll be running our first Learning Journey, which will investigate some of the key issues that have been identified in out Bioregion and help us begin to develop a programme of work in response.

As we prepare for the Learning Journey, we’ll be asking ourselves:
- What ideas, practices and people seem to be modelling Bioregioning? Where are the practice pioneers and new experiences? How are they interacting with other bioregions and existing administrative boundaries?
- Where is Bioregioning happening already in Tay Country and what can we learn?
- To what extent and how has Bioregioning played a role in shaping other localities to date? Which other places, sectors and disciplines are asking similar questions and developing practice?

The kinds of questions participants on the Learning Journey will be asking are:
- What are the conditions that are holding the problems in place?
- How can we better understand the role of Bioregioning in developing the new social values we will need to transition to a ‘bigger than self’ age?
- How can we develop a better understanding of the role of Bioregioning in shaping the ‘next’ economy we need to survive and thrive?
- What can we understand from existing Bioregions about the kinds of governance, policy and infrastructure frameworks we need for rapid evolution?
Find our more about the 2022 Learning Journey programme and what we found out over on our News pages.