Bioregional Finance Facility

Reimagining Finance To Regenerate Our Planet

Bioregioning Tayside’s latest and most ambitious project to date has been to begin working with Leon Seefeld of Dark Matter Labs to build Scotland’s first Bioregional Financing Facility. Read our interview with Leon here to find out more. Over the course of 2025, we will be sharing the process we are going through and the results of each stage of the build.

Stage 1 Complete

We have now completed the first stage of preparation for the Bioregional Financing Facility. The Stock Take and Gap Analysis. In this foundational phase of the project, we conducted a comprehensive stocktake process to identify actual and potential gaps in our work to date and current ways of organising, comparing them to what other emerging bioregional teams are doing in their respective contexts.

You can read the summary report at this here.

And you can read a digest of the the longer conversation at this link here.